How to make the knives of Bru


Knives are an indispensable attribute of each kitchen, without them it is impossible to cook dinner or cut the bread to dinner. It is they used most often, but, that means, they quickly lose their sharpness. Cut the products with a knife, which does not have due sharpness, is quite difficult. Moreover, such an accessory can be cut down with a much greater probability than while using an acute subject.

In order to prevent such a problem, you need to sharpen knives on time, and you can do it with the help of a bar.

How to find out that the knife is time to sharpen

How to make the knives of Bru

Each accessory used to cut the products, even very expensive and corporate, will be able to root sooner or later. In order to find out what this moment has come, it should be checked by the blade for sharpness.

  • This can be done as follows: folded the hemp rope four times, if the knife is able to cut it, then the blade does not need sharpening. Otherwise, the time comes for the procedure for draining the blade.
  • In addition to this method, you can apply a feet, it is enough to hold them according to the blade, if the last slides or scratches the surface, it means that the tool is suitable for operation.
  • A very simple method for determining the need for sharpening is cutting sheet sheet. How smoothly slipping the blade is also the need for sharpening the tool.

Grit of bars for sharpening knives

How to make the knives of Bru

In order for just a sharpened knife to be sharp and correctly fulfilled its destination, you need to carefully select a stone that will be used to bring it in order.

As a rule, in economic stores you can find three types of similar devices, which differ in abrasive levels:

  • fine-grained, applied to completely polish the knife;
  • Average, needed to return to the correct edge of the blade;
  • Coarse, used to restore the shape, as well as for the formation of the right corner on the knife.

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It is worth noting that the bars from different manufacturers can have a different level of grainability, so before their acquisition, you need to manually inspect every instance and choose the one that will meet all the requirements.

Separately, it is possible to note the classification of bars depending on the material from which they produced:

In addition, bars can be rude, thin and small. Some copies may differ in size, it is especially convenient to apply oblong stones made from the diamond component, they help them quickly and high qualityly endure any blade.

Separately, it is necessary to note the fact that immediately before work can be unable to soak this device in water so that it is likely to be liquid. And natural stones must be molded with oils, which will make any quality with sharp knives, and their operation is comfortable and safe.

How to get squeezing knives in Bru

As a rule, for sharpening the knives of the house can be applied:

  • Bruks or Musaty;
  • electricity and mechanical sharpeners;
  • Devices for grinding.

Today, the most popular use of bars as the most accessible and easy-to-use. This type of grinding device is an ordinary stone that contains in its structure abrasive grains of different sizes. Their number and location may be different. Foreign adaptations of this kind have a specially applied labeling, which allows you to judge the level of their abrasiveness.

How to make the knives of Bru

How to sharpen a knife at home? Of course, observing some rules:

  • It is better to prepare two bar for this work, with different types of abrasiveness, one of which will allow the knife to sharpen, and the other is to polish it to the perfect state.
  • Before starting the process, you need to moisten the blade in water or lubricate it specially prepared for this purpose with oil.
  • It is important to mainly withstand the angle under which the knife will be tilted to the bar. The ideal value is the range of 20 to 25 degrees. This parameter is very important because the small sharpening angle will quickly lead to the emergence of a situation when the knife fits very quickly again. Because at a small angle, the edge of the tool, which is responsible for cutting products, can be too rounded.

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Go directly to the process of sharpening the tool on Broke. The whole procedure consists of consistently performed actions:

How to polish the sharpened knife

In order for the process of sharpening the blade, it was competently completed, do not forget about the need for surface grinding. This procedure is necessary to give an even greater sharp knife, otherwise the tool is unlikely to remain in such a state for a long time. Each of the planes should be absolutely smooth to the touch. You can achieve such an effect if you use Bru with a small abrasion.

It is necessary to influence this device to the cutting tool in exactly the same way as in the process of the main sharpening of the blade. The latter need to be pre-lubricated and be sure to handle 2 times on both sides.

It should be noted that the principles of sharpening blades and their grinding seem difficult only first. In fact, after receiving the appropriate experience, you can quickly understand the correctness of the manipulations carried out and make sharpening effectively.

How to make the knives of Bru

How to Clean the Barrel for Sharpe

Beginning to sharpen knives that no longer cope with the task assigned to them on accurately cut food, it is worth remembering that the bars also sometimes lose their effectiveness. Over time, they lose a smooth surface and require pre-alignment and purification.

In order to align the ram-incommable bar for sharpening blades, you need to resort to the help of such tools or the emery circle. It is important to remember that such a procedure must necessarily pass using special protective glasses, which protect the eye from the accidentally fleeting particles of abrasive material.

In addition, it is important to wear a respirator on the face or a gauze bandage, which can be done independently. It is necessary in order to prevent inhalation of the smallest particles from the sandpaper or bar.

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After the alignment of this device, it is necessary to wipe it with the help of tissue moistened in the water diluted with the waters. After the bar is thoroughly cleaned, it is necessary to solve it in cool water. Only after all these procedures, it is possible to sharpen the knife of Bru, which will perform its work not worse than the new one.

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