Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost


Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Earlier, I was laid out a description of the preheater by 12 volts with homemade beans, which had not well established himself when testing in the winter of 2019-2019, but I still decided to make a more powerful and faster heater, so as not to wait for half an hour when the engine warms up, and run Immediately, after a short warm-up.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Instead of self-made Tanov bought three incandescent candles from a foreign car at 11.5 volts, which installed in the heat exchanger body. Candles SWAG10919223-2Clots and one Nippon DENSO DG010 (bought, the cheapest, what were in the store).

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Nuts were bought at the same store. The price of the question, candles and nuts-1300 rubles, 600 rubles for solder, 2 automak for 100 rubles.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

On 2 candles plus connected with a jumper, one candle is turned on separately. It turned out a way to connect: 1 candle, 2 candles and, if very cold, then all 3 candles.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Candles are connected through ordinary machines that are used in electrical panels by 220 volts.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

1 Candle is connected through an automatic machine 16 amps by double wire for 1.5 square meters, 2 candles are connected via a 25 amp machine with double wires of 2.5 square meters., Both machines are connected to the battery double wire for 2.5 sq.mm. The mass is also connected by a double wire of 2.5 square meters. Wires used those that were in stock. The automata performs 2 functions at once: fuse and switch.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

According to the passport, each candle consumes 15.5 amps, that is, at a voltage of 12 volts, its power is 186 watts. A 2 -Un candles-372 watt, and if you turn on all 3 candles at once, we get 558 watts or 0.6 kilowatta. But when heated, the power falls about 1 amp.

On the top photo you can see 2 thin wires. They are needed to connect 2 LEDs. On the heater, they both are connected to the ground, and in the automata to minus the LEDs, and the LEDs through the resistance of 2 com to the output of the automata. So we get visual control.

Article on the topic: Production of bamboo lamps with their own hands

And of course, it is desirable to warm the heater to not warm the street.

The most important thing is to be located near or in the car so as not to blocked the desired moment to start the engine starter.

Such a heater is put in the lower heater radiator nozzle, but it is also desirable for more efficient the operation of the heater, to install an additional 2 volt pump (I have from the Gazelle). You can also install in the lower nozzle of the radiator, but then you need to solder other nozzles. In my version of 16 mm nozzles., From the stove of VAZ-2106.

The housing is made of 1 millimeter pipe, the copper shift is smeared with a gas burner, can be prepared by a welding machine that is used for bodywork.

It turns out the type of flow expansion tank, which inserted 3 incandescent candles.

Candles are planted on fum-tape, you can on a threaded or auto sealant.

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

Homemade for cars. Preheating antifreeze in frost

It does not make sense to heat up to +40 degrees, because we only need to start the engine, and for this there is enough and temperatures below zero, because the car is quite well started at -5 and at 0 degrees. Well, when you started, you can warm the engine without turning off the heater, shutting down as the candle is heated, which increases the engine warming speed.

The heater is ready, it remains only to install it on the car.

Well, in reality, everyone solves himself that it suits him more.

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