Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization


Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

Good afternoon friends!

This year we have a huge harvest of apricots, we are pleased with this, since in recent years, apricots are rarely visible. And the other day cooked compote from apricots for the winter. Apparently because there were no spring frosts during flowering, there will be a good harvest of all fruits.

And the apricots mostly we will dry, but I twisted a few jars of compotes in order to remember the summer taste in the winter.

I have a recipe for a very simple, without sterilization, and apricots I put entirely with the bones. Everything is pretty fast.

Compote from fresh apricots for the winter: recipe

Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

In the photo branch with beautiful fruits of one of our chic trees.

I collected one bucket of apricots for a compote.

Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

This amount of fruit required about 10 liters of water. Sugar I measured with glasses: an incomplete glass was poured into one 1.5 liter jar, probably grams 150 - 160.

My banks passed three preparations: first she washed simply with dust from dust, settled on them in the cellar, then satuled soda and washed once again. And the third stage - led banks with boiling water.

After the water from them is glass, filled the banks with wash apricots to the top. Last year, when there were very few of them, when cooking compote, I filled banks by one third, and now we want to preserve as much fruit as possible.

Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

Then he boiled water and poured apricots with it. Gave to stand for about 15 -20.

During this time, boiled caps.

The same water from the cans merged back into the pan and boiled once again.

Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

Syrup, I do not cook, put sugar in every jar and pour boiling water.

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Coming the lids and put it over the bottom. Exit - 10 1.5 liter jackets.

Compote from apricots for the winter with bones: a simple recipe without sterilization

That's all! Very simple recipe compote from apricots for the winter! It is stored perfectly, and the taste is the greatest pleasure!

Now the cherry has been ripe, it is possible for a variety to make a compote from apricots with cherries.

And how do you boil compotes from apricots? Let's share recipes.

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