Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts


Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

For the first time to think about whether it is useful to sleep on the floor, forcing back pain, not passing during sleep in a soft bed.

The search for a comfortable leisure of the body leads to a solid coating and, if the pain passes or significantly decreases, it comes to recognition that it is useful to sleep on solid.

For humanity, the question is not new. From sleep on the floor, people switched to beds, gradually creating comfort body. But medicine proves that the sleep on a solid surface is useful to the spine, stimulates blood circulation and normalizes the work of the internal organs of the body.

Physiology of the musculoskeletal system

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

With the right position, the load on the spine decreases

To figure out whether it is useful to sleep on the floor or better on the parine, turn to the spine, based on the musculoskeletal system of our body.

In the wakeful person, the muscular spine corset is in constant voltage, supports the spine in a vertical position, with physiological bends and protects against damage.

For the restoration of muscular activity and the body as a whole, nature has provided a dream that makes up a third of the human life.

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

With the embossing muscles are not supplied with blood

In a dream, with the correct position of the body, the spine has the smallest load, the muscles are relaxed. If the sleep occurs on a too soft or solid surface, the spine under the weight of the body takes an unnatural position, forcing the muscles to keep the vertebrae from the plenty.

In these cases, a violation of blood flow in soft tissues, muscles do not rest, the body is not restored.

The result may be a disease of the musculoskeletal system, and the lack of sleep will lead to chronic diseases. Experimenting, we find the most convenient bed for recreation.

Sleep on Perina

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

On too soft surfaces, the spine is twisted

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When you are constantly sleeping on the bed with a perina or mild mattress, over time there comes discomfort in the body and in particular in the back.

The reason is that in a soft bed, the body does not take the right position to relax muscles, the spine is bent under the severity of the body, the muscles are intense and sleep becomes defective.

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

The habit of sleeping on a soft bed changes the positions of the vertebrae, their functions are limited, and this leads to damage to the nervous system and blood vessels, blood circulation is broken, the basis of chronic diseases is laid.

And the one who sleeps on the floor or on a solid bed does not have such problems.

The habit of sleeping on a soft bed leads to a disease of the musculoskeletal system of the body and the development of chronic diseases in the body.

Table of need for sleep

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

Benefit from sleep on the floor

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

Lying on solid surfaces relaxes back

Sleeping on a solid surface allows the spine to straighten, and muscles relax. The blood and nervous systems operate in normal mode, there is a complete blood supply and ensuring the oxygen internal organs, blood purification.

From the competent device of the bed depends on the restoration of the human body during sleep. Scientific research on whether it is possible to sleep on the floor, confirm that sleep on a solid, but not a rigid surface allows the body to fully recover:

  1. The spine on a solid foundation straightens and does not pinch the vessels, does not interfere with normal blood flow, providing oxygen all internal organs.

    Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

  2. Skin cells are restored. The work of blood venous skin vessels is activated, cell rejuvenation occurs.
  3. Good blood flow contributes to the cleaning of slags accumulated during the day, the work of the liver and kidney is stimulated, blood is cleaned.
  4. The posture is improved, the body's stuff disappears.
  5. The spine does not pinch the nerve endings, control over the work of the internal organs and the entire body remains.
  6. The cervical vertebrae during sleep is based on a solid small pillow, supporting the head in the right position, which contributes to the intensification of the work of venous vessels of the neck and brain.
  7. The surface of the floor is higher air humidity and oxygen concentration, positively affecting the brain vessels. For details on how to sleep with the user benefit, see this video:

The benefit from sleep on solid coverage is obvious, but the choice of bed is carried out without fanaticism. The solid coating does not mean tough, on the bed the body takes a comfortable position, so that the tension of the muscles of the spine during sleep is expelled.

Organization of space for sleep on the floor

Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

The device for sleep space on the floor, first of all, takes into account the sanitary standards in order not to expose themselves with allergic and colds, and it is also important to know how to choose the right bed on which a full sleep depends on. For this, the following rules are followed:

  1. Daily wet floor cleaning on which the bed is satisfied.
  2. The room is ventilated before bed.
  3. The bed on the floor arrange in the place, excluding through the air traffic.
  4. We use an orthopedic mattress for bed: solid, but not hard. About how to choose a mattress, see this video:

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Is it useful to sleep on the floor: opinions and advice of experts

Healthy back - a pledge of long and happy life

It is advisable to organize a bed on the floor not only in terms of health, but also with economic. No expensive bed is required, and if the apartment is small, the area is released in the daily room.

But if the bed on the floor is uncomfortable, and the dimensions of the room are limited, we use a transforming bed with a solid mattress. During the day the bed is located in the wall of the wall and can be used as a table, in the evening it is folded as a bed with a low location of the bed from the floor.

It is useful to sleep on the floor, or rather on solid coverage, the discussion is not conducted. The conclusions of the doctors and the practice of many people prove that the sleep on a solid coating allows you to fully restore the body, prevent chronic diseases and remain in a positive mood.

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