Stages of repair in a new building from scratch


Buy an apartment from the developer, often conclude a contract without finishing or with a rough finish. This is not only a way to reduce payments, but also make all the work qualitatively. Although the apartment repair from scratch in the new building is a long-term and cost.

Where to start: a sequence of actions

If you have purchased real estate from the developer without finishing, you will need a step-by-step work plan. A person, not particularly closely familiar with construction, the order of repair is not obvious at all. And since the apartment repairs from scratch in a new building will require the passage of all stages, the plan is simply necessary.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Apartment repair technology in a new building - everything starts with a plan

What does "repair an apartment from scratch in a new building"

To determine the front of work, you need to know wherever you start. What you get after the object is set is spelled out in the contract. Therefore, we take it carefully read, after you can proceed to planning the procedure for work. Usually the apartment in a new house without decoration is given in this state:

  • Windows installed (usually double double-glazed windows) and entrance doors (cheap and not particularly reliable).
  • Walls without decoration (concrete or brick, building blocks), internal partitions - depending on the contract: they can stand, and may not.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Apartment repair from scratch in new building: All that is - entrance doors, walls, windows, heating, water supply, sewage and gas

  • Paul - concrete slab without a screed.
  • The ceiling is the lower surface of the plate without finishing.
  • Electricity has been introduced into the apartment, there is a small electrical wheelchair in which one machine is installed. Usually there is one light bulb in the corridor (on time wiring).
  • Heating is divorced, batteries, shut-off and regulatory fittings. Heating is the only thing that is ready for operation at any time, as this is a general property.
  • Cold and hot water - risers are headed in an apartment, there are taps that cost counters (sealing). After the counters there is a crane that can be connected if necessary.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Only in the kitchen can be one attached wall - the gas workers require to install the meter

  • Sewerage - there is a riser and a removal closed by a cap. The system is ready to connect.
  • If gas plates are used in the house, there is a gas input, the meter, after which the plug is installed. Connect gas devices can only representatives of Gorgaise.

Basically, that's all you have before start repairing an apartment from scratch in a new building. Everything is in the infancy, but all communications are connected.

Repair apartment Phaeptno

Immediately you should decide on the partitions. Decide where and what will stand, what will need to be removed / move. If the partitions already have and you gathered to redo something, you need to get permission and only then begin to transfer. If there are no partitions and you will put them yourself, in the contract it is written out of what materials you can do them. It is better to adhere to the recommendations, otherwise you can get penalties, and they are considerable.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Design a plan of the apartment

After approval of the plan of the apartment, first definitely where you will have large-sized furniture, equipment, plumbing, etc. These data will be required to prepare the plan for laying engineering systems (water supply, sewage, lighting, if provided - ventilation). When the plan is more or less ready, you can start repair. The order of actions is such:

  • Installation, the transfer of partitions according to the approved project.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Apartment repair technology in a new building: put partitions

  • While the partitions are built, they are engaged in parallel (or order) the development of the electrical wiring plan. After the partitions are standing, the electricians are wiring - the walls of the walls, the cable laying (necessarily three-core - with a ground, the conductor cross-section for wiring is selected individually). Depending on the type of cable, it is paired either in the corrugation or without it. Cables to the shield are not connected, sockets, switches are not set. Only junction boxes are installed, approaching the ends of the cables. Wiring pave:
    • in the strokes in the walls;
    • in the floor under the tie;
    • On the ceiling if it is planned to be a tension or suspension random.

      Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

      Planning electrical wiring

  • If you plan to make sound insulation of the walls and the ceiling, it's time to deal with this issue. It will be frameless, but it is not necessary to smooth the walls for it, because now it's time.
  • Wiring of cold and hot water pipes, sewage connection. If the walls are not bearing, the pipes can be laid in the shoes in the walls (if the thickness of the partitions allows). Otherwise, they try to spend most of the pipes in the bathroom / bathroom, and then it is closed with a plasterboard box, which is subsequently separated by the same maler as the walls.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Cold and hot water pipes, sewage

  • Align the walls. If you plan to separate the walls with plastic panels, you can not plaster - they are attached to the crate, which levels all irregularities. But if you subsequently plan to lay a tile, it is better to fly up - less will then be a hassle. Previously, it was placed in conventional cement-sandy solution, but recently preferred prepared compounds based on cement or gypsum (work easier). It is easy to plaster - hoping for the eye and building level, and it is possible - for beacons. The second option is preferable, since the likelihood of getting smooth walls and straight angles at 90 ° is greater. No more and no less. In any case, before plastering the wall, it is necessary to predict - improve the adhesion of plaster and base material. The primer is chosen depending on the type of plaster (on plaster or cement).

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Stucco wall - important quality

  • If you beat the ceiling / dye, it is also flattered with plaster (do not forget about the laying of electrical wiring to chandeliers). If the ceiling of the suspension can also be done at this stage. Stretch ceilings are made after finishing walls, so if you are planning such, we skip this stage. You can only check the quality of sealing interpanel seams.
  • Putty wall and ceiling. This is already preparation for the finishing finish. Selecting a type of putty depends on the type of finishing. If it is painting - they take more expensive materials (wide, for example) and achieve a perfectly smooth surface (you can check with a lighting lamp with a LED lamp - the slightest irregularities). Under the wallpaper, the putty composition takes cheaper and ideality is not so important here. Under the walls, the walls do not put off at all.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Putty - almost finishing

  • After the dust was removed after the putty of putty and all other dirty works, they embark on the pouring of the floor tie. Here, too, it is necessary to take a number of solutions: there will be or not insulation, sound insulation, a warm floor (electric, other species in high-rise buildings are not available or require coordination). A tie can make a conventional cement-sandy mixture, can be filled floors. In the second embodiment, the result will be better - a more even gender due to the effect of self-leveling of the mixture.
  • A week after filling the screed, while she "rustles", we are engaged in trimming the bath and toilet. There is usually a lot of dirt and do everything before the finish finish will begin in the rest of the apartment.

    Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

    Scientific align the floor. Repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building is almost completed

  • Finish finish: Prayes / Belim ceiling, glue wallpaper (we install the stretch ceiling). Stream floors, install doors, platbands, plinth. Install the sockets yourself, switches, connect household appliances.
  • We introduce furniture and decor elements.

This is the order of repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building in the general case. There are particular, but they are individual. Then, depending on the situation, shift or change the steps in places.

Brigade or individual specialists

DIY repair of the apartment from scratch in a new building will require a lot of time. If you have it in stock - no problem. If you want to enter the new housing faster, you will have to hire builders. Here often questions arise. Who hire for repair in a new building - a brigade, which promises to make everything "turnkey" or individual specialists for each type of work? This issue has already been discussed hundreds of times, but it was not possible to come to a common opinion. Both options have their own supporters. In order for you to decide, briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Repair stages in the apartment replace one other

Full construction?

If you hire a brigade that will do all work from beginning to end, it is not a fact that you will arrange the quality of their work. Everyone promises quality and speed, but few people really do all work at the proper level. Very often there is a contract to dissolve and search for who will finish / redo. This task is even more difficult than searching for the first brigade: no one wants to correct other errors. It is long and troublesome. These are cons.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Find a good brigade

Plus such a decision: hired people are responsible for all stages of work, right up to the finish finish (if you have agreed). If you don't like something, you can try to make it remake, but it is better to control each stage of work. The second positive moment: the repair is moving faster, as it is not necessary to seek performers for every new job. These are the pros.

Another time of the organizational plan. By constiting a contract, prescribe the cost of each work step. Then, when terminated, you will know exactly how much you pay. Otherwise, you will begin to prove that most of them is made, but remains nonsense.

Specials for performing certain types of work

If you decide to hire individual professionals for each stage of work, it is difficult to predict the final result. Since it is necessary to perform a certain amount of work and leave, there is a possibility that workers will not be too try. And every next specialist can say (and usually say) that mistakes have done to him and demand for their correction additional payment. The exit here is one: constant and hard control at all stages of work, a clear design of arrangements with the clarification of what you want to have at their end.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

The result is not guaranteed

If some works do not do it yourself, then the total cost of paying works by individual specialists will turn out more. But plus such a solution - you can "stretch" spending in time. Money appeared - they made some scope of work.

Materials for finishing

Repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building has its own characteristics. A new home for several years will be "sattented", there will be a progress of the foundation, walls, overlaps. All these movements entail the appearance of cracks, and they can damage the finish coating. Therefore, there is advice: use not the most expensive finishing materials that will not mind will be replaced after three or four years with new, better.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Material selection - a difficult task

Most questions arise with a tile laid on the wall and tie. In them, cracks are more noticeable, and the pleasure is not cheap - both at the cost of materials and by price for work. Therefore, the screed makes the floating - without communication with the walls, and instead of the tile on the walls in the bathroom and the bathroom are separated by vinyl wall panels.

Tile on the walls and the floor are often put in the kitchen, and try to choose the most attractive collections that cost a lot. Output two. The first - instead of a tiled apron in the kitchen, use a plastic or furniture shield, and put the linoleum on the floor. The second, put the tile, but have some amount about the reserve, to replace the burst tiles. After all, it is not a fact that after three or four years the same collection will still be issued. Yes, even if so, then the color to pick up one one is unlikely to succeed.

On the need for sound insulation

Many of the owners of new apartments simply do not think about how quiet will be in their home. So far not before. But when you enter it too late. Modern trends in multi-storey construction - make the construction as easier as possible to save on the foundation. Lightweight materials are wonderful, but the problem is that they spend the sound well.

Stages of repair in a new building from scratch

Noise insulation in the apartment - an important point

As a result, it turns out that the repair is completed, and you, if you wish, you can conduct abstracts of conversations of your neighbors, and they are yours. Not a rainbow perspective. Therefore, it is worth thinking about sound insulation. Yes, these are additional costs and considerable, but silence is more important.

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