Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

The pace of our life is becoming faster. Trying everyone to catch, we are confronted every day with stress and nervous shocks that accumulate and eventually lead to breakdowns and deterioration of well-being. And this threatens in the future by many chronic diseases, irritability, insomnia and other unpleasant consequences for Zdrow. The best way to relax after a hard working day is to take a soothing bath that will help you to remove fatigue, normalize the nervous system and improve the condition of the skin.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


In certain situations, even doctors recommend taking soothing baths. But to understand this, it is not necessary to go to a specialist. You categorically require a soothing bath in the following cases:

  • You constantly feel stress and fatigue;
  • Against the background of violation of the functioning of the nervous system, you notice the problems with the skin;
  • You sleep restlessly, you often wake up at night or suffer insomnia;
  • You feel constant tension and incessant alarm.

However, mandatory testimony for the adoption of soothing baths is not always required, because such procedures have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, strengthening its immune system.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


Soothing baths are not only solid pluses. There are some contraindications when the detection of which you better abandon the reception of such baths or treat it with great care. You should think whether to take a calming bath in the following cases:

  • You have increased skin dryness: Frequent bathing techniques make your skin land, damping its protective layer;
  • You are susceptible to allergies to some plant components that may be contained in bath additives;
  • You have heart failure or other types of cardiovascular diseases;
  • You suffer from diabetes;
  • You feel that an inflammatory process proceeds in the body, which is expressed in high body temperature;
  • You have gynecological diseases associated with inflammation;
  • Women during pregnancy and menstrual bath cycle are contraindicated in general.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Rules and reception time

The process of taking the bath must bring you not only the maximum benefit, but also pleasure. And for this you need to follow certain rules:

  • Take a calming bath better at the time when you are sure that nothing will distract you. The perfect bath for the night, it will contribute to a stronger and calm sleep;
  • In the bathroom itself, there must be comfortable conditions of humidity and temperature;
  • Taking a bath is recommended at least two hours before meals or two hours after meals;
  • After exercise, especially intense, the bath is contraindicated;
  • Before taking the bath, you can wash yourself in advance under the shower, because soothing baths imply that you will not rub the wash with soap, but relax. In addition, through purified pores in the body and penetrate essential oils and other herbal additives;
  • The temperature of the water must correspond to the body temperature, ideally be only slightly higher;
  • Do not be lazy to create an appropriate relaxing atmosphere, for example, with calm music, muted light and pleasant smells;
  • Do not rine after the bath and do not break the towel, it is enough easy to get skin.

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Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Bathtub time depends on water temperature. And she is already, in turn, from what purpose you are haunting: to cheer up or relax. But you can adhere to the following recommendations:

  • At water temperature, about 39-40 degrees, limit the time of staying in the bath to 10 minutes, so as not to load the heart once again. Such a bath will help improve metabolism, reveal the pores and even to provide an anesthetic effect;
  • At water temperature in 37-38 degrees, you can achieve relaxation and calmness, and also tune in for the coming dream. 15 minutes in such a bath will be quite enough;
  • Cool water in 35-37 degrees contributes to the active work of the nervous system and increase the tone of the skin. In the morning time, such baths will help feel cheerfulness, so they need to take them quite a short time.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

No matter how healthy you are, it is better not to be in the water for more than 20 minutes.


Consider the main types of baths that will help you calm down and relax.

With Valerian

Bath with Valerian will give relaxation of the muscles, helps to calm the nervous system and lead the heartbeat to normal. It is not necessary to get involved in the bathroom with valerian under reduced arterial pressure. To prepare such a bath, you need:

  • Prepare approximately 100 g of chopped valerian root;
  • Pour it with a liter of boiling water;
  • In a preheated water bath, insist a mixture of 15 minutes;
  • To give an hour to valerian solution, and after you can add it to the bath.

Valerian tincture is suitable as an alternative. The bottle of such a tincture is applied on 5 liters of water.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


Such a bath will fill the lack of elements vital for the body. To prepare such a bath, you will need 100 s sodium iodide and 250 g of potassium bromide, which are mixed in a liter of water. For one bath, 100 ml of solution is enough, that is, literally half a cup. And the concentrate can be kept for more than a year in a dark place.

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Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


The exceptional benefits of coniferous baths are that they contribute not only to the restoration of the nervous system, but also drive insomnia, strengthen the immunity and rejuvenate the body.

Such baths also have a positive effect on the state of the skin, cardiovascular and respiratory system. With colds and obesity, prepare a bath on the first recipe.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Basins for baths can be prepared by several recipes:

  • Infusion of cones. It will take 50 g of coniferous cones. It is required to fill their three liters of hot water and leave infusion for 40 minutes. After the time expires, it must be strain and add to the bath. The most favorable temperature of such a bath is not more than 35 degrees.
  • Infusion of coniferous branches and cones. Such combined fees are for sale. On 1 kg of collection accounts for 8 liters of water. The infusion is boiled for half an hour, after which it insists another 12 hours under a tightly closed lid.
  • Infusion of green coniferous branches . Coniferous branches are poured with boiling water and insist on a water bath for 35 minutes, after which the infusion is fastened. For one bath there are enough 2 liters.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

With essential oils

Bath with essential oils soothes and relaxes the body, leads to a tone of the skin, giving it an elasticity. You can use several recipes of soothing baths with essential oils:

  • 4-5 drops of mint oil, 2 drops of orange and a pair of chamomile drops;
  • A pair of lavender drops, lemon drop and jasmine drop;
  • A pair of chalf droplets and three drops of Bergamot;
  • A drop of orange, a drop of roses, three drops of sandalwood oil.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Often, when taking such baths, it is recommended to mix essential oils in a glass with an emulsifier. Here you can use such recipes:

  • Five drops of neroli, ylang-ylang, orange and magnolia takes, and a half-table of sea salt is added to the bath. Such a bath is relaxing;
  • Five drops of coniferous oil and five drops of tea tree oil, three drops of mayoran and a couple of anise drops. Half of the dry red wine glasses is added to the bath itself. Such a bath will help relieve stress and fatigue;
  • In 100 ml of oily cream, 6 drops of vanilla oil are divorced, 5 drops of sandalwood, 4 drops of geranium oil. Such a bath is an excellent option for lovers to meditate.


Baths with sea salt is heated organism and produce a soothing effect. In the sea salt contains trace elements that you need any person, so the benefits of such baths speak for themselves. Certain salt mixes are perfectly helped to fight diseases of the joints and nervous system, as well as to recover after injury. If you mix salt with herbs, the effect will be stronger. Recommended for adding various essential oils.

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Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress


Combined baths are useful in that the ingredients used in their composition have an impact in the complex, combining the best qualities of those or other components.

For example, there is such a recipe: 3 liters of boiling water takes 50 g of calendula flowers, turns, souls and mint. In the water bath, infusion is heated for 15 minutes. Then the brave need to stand for at least 45 minutes. After that, it can be strain and add to the bath.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

Soothing baths for children

In children, like adults, there are also stress, because of which the child can begin to be capricious, and oveuse entails insomnia. Therefore, doctors recommend soothing with babes.

It should be carried out in the evening, literally an hour before sleep. All herbal fees are available and existing in each pharmacy. They will help to calm the nervous system and have a positive effect on the skin, for example, relieve irritation or disinfect it. At the same time, soothing baths for the child will also have a well-fascinating effect, producing a beneficial effect for the entire body.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

It is better if the baths are conducted by a course, not aims, then they will be really visible. Do not leave the baby in the bath for more than 10-15 minutes. The optimal water temperature should be close to the body temperature.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

The following recipes of soothing baths help from poor sleep:

  • Take 30 g of mint leaves, calendula flowers, souls and chamomile. Herbs are poured 3 liters of boiling water, insist for half an hour, and after filtering and added to the bath;
  • Take 20 g of Valerian root, chamomile flowers and 40 g of Salfa and Timyan. Fill herbs 3 liters boiling water and leave it for half an hour. After that, the decoction filter out and add to the bath;
  • Take on 20 g of Calendula and Valerian root, 30 g of mint and 40 g of a series. According to the same grass scheme, 3 liters of boiling water are filled, defended for half an hour, filtered out and added to the bath;
  • Fill 3 liters of boiling water 50 g calendula, 50 g of mint and 50 g of oregano. The decoction is half an hour, filtered and added to the bath;
  • Fill 1 liter of boiling water 5 tbsp. A spoons of the podmarnik, give the solution to stand half an hour, strain and add to the bath.

Soothing bath - effective struggle with stress

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