Do I need to wash and clean champignons?


Champignons - the product is incredibly tasty and useful, the real storehouse of vitamins. The main thing is to be able to correctly choose fresh specimens, as well as competently process and cook them.

Do I need to wash champignons before cooking

Washing champignons - the moment is controversial, some have the opinions that this procedure is optional, besides it spoils the appearance of the product. Others believe that wash mushrooms before cooking is a mandatory step that cannot be passed.

Do I need to wash and clean champignons?

Nevertheless, it is important to adhere to this technology:

  • Even pure at first glance, the specimens need to be washed under running water, only long, then they will not have time to darken;
  • Share them on a paper napkin and wait to absorb excess water;
  • After that, you can clean the mushrooms.

Is it necessary to clean champignons

The need to purify the upper skin with champignons also has several opinions:

The optimal is considered such a method for preparing fungi to cooking:

How to clean champignons for different cooking methods

Treatment of champignons should be carried out immediately before making them in food, so they will not have time to spoil and retain the maximum of vitamins and trace elements.

Do I need to wash and clean champignons?

The technique of cleansing mushrooms from dirt depends on their size:

  1. Middle Size Champignons, Fresh, With Dense Leather:
  • treated with a brush;
  • cut pieces of pulp with legs;
  • rinse under the crane;
  • dried on the towel.
  1. Large fresh mushrooms:
  • cleaned with a brush, with the mandatory removal of retained areas with a knife;
  • rinsed under running water;
  • dried on a napkin.
  1. Large mushrooms, which were stored for some time in the refrigerator:

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Pretty rare cases of adopting fresh champignons in food, they are much more often boiled, fry, extinguish or marinate. It is important to note the features of the preparation of fungi to each cooking process:

  1. Used unchanged:
  • cleaned with a brush;
  • wash under the crane;
  • remove the leg;
  • dry
  • Cut on a dish or in a salad.
  1. Frying in a frying pan:
  1. Cooking in a saucepan:

Do I need to wash and clean champignons?

Small tricks when cooking champignons

How to prepare mushrooms to further cooking (roast, cooking, drying, freezing)

Type of processing of mushroomsTechnology training
  • remove trash from the surface;
  • update the cutting leg;
  • remove a thin layer of skin;
  • Wash under the crane of cool water;
  • dry.
  • remove the hulp garbage;
  • remove the lower part of the cutting feet;
  • Clean the hat inside and outside;
  • To wash
Food in raw
  • Clear from dirt, land, foliage;
  • · Wash under running water;
  • remove legs and skin;
  • For a minute, warm up in a microwave or oven to carry out disinfection.
  • Clear contamination;
  • Cut 1-2 mm from the cut on the leg.
  • Clear mushrooms;
  • wash and dry;
  • Cut the lower part of the leg.
It is worth noting that different methods of cooking mushrooms involve different types of cutting this product:
  • Cubes: Separate legs, cut into equal squares. The optimal option for cooking with potatoes, caviar or ordinary frying;
  • Solomka: Thus, you can cut champignons before cooking salads;
  • Slices: a great way, quickly cut mushrooms before frying.

How and how much can I store champignons (fresh and canned) in the refrigerator

Follow the storage of champignons in general, in order to save a pleasant taste after cooking after cooking. It is almost impossible to poison such mushrooms, they are recognized as one of the safest.

Nevertheless, it is important to take into account some of their storage features:

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Important moment: Mushroom storage is allowed only in the lower separation of the refrigerator.

Champignons can change their beautiful appearance only if they have accumulated a lot of excess moisture or lay for a long time outside the refrigerator.

  • It is very important to store this product only in the refrigeration chamber, and if it is not planned to prepare them in the coming day - two, you should not wash and clean mushrooms. It is necessary to produce these manipulations immediately before the preparation of a particular dish. If the mushrooms are too polluted, they can be wiped with a soft flannel or carefully remove branches and ground using a non-rigid brush.
  • If you plan to store mushrooms in a package from polyethylene, it can not be tied up to prevent the appearance of moisture, and, as a result, the blaracing of champignons. And they can get darkened by day or earlier. Important: The shelf life of fresh mushrooms can range from 3 days to a week, it all depends on the temperature in the refrigerator. The optimal level is from 2 to 4 degrees. Room temperature does not contribute to the preservation of mushrooms in the fresh form.

Champignons are a useful and delicious product that allows you to diversify everyday dishes and decorate a festive table. It is important to correctly process them before cooking: wash, clean and stored according to the rules. The main condition: if you clean champignons immediately before cooking, you can achieve a delightful flavor and mushroom taste, which will make each dish of the table of the table.

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