5 ways to preserve ginger at home


The plant from the tropics, ginger - is actively grown in China and India. People use it in the preparation of dishes, medicine, are taken as a common assembly.

How to choose high-quality ginger

In order to get the maximum benefit from eating ginger, acquire only a fresh product and carefully treat the principles of its proper storage. On the shelves of stores most often meet 2 types of this product:

To buy a fresh product, it is important to be guided by such principles when choosing it:

  • The root should not be smell, especially unpleasant, speaking that he is already spoiled.
  • The entire ginger surface should not have damage, mold enclosures, have other signs of damage. It should be smooth, smooth and even in the form of being juicy.
  • Skin should not have scales, its shade should be light or saturated yellow.
  • The presence of sprouts on the surface testifies to a long period of storage, in this case the freshness is not to have to say. The product is unlikely to contain the desired amount of essential oils and utility substances. Nevertheless, it can not be thrown away, but to put in a pot on the windowsill and grow yourself.

5 ways to preserve ginger at home

As for ground ginger, which is obtained by drying and grinding, there are details here:

Marinated or dried spice should be chosen by relying on such principles:

  • Preferably the packaging of the product in a plastic vacuum package or a glass of glass is so seen by the appearance of ginger. In addition, these 2 types of packaging perfectly retain not only the smell, but also the taste of spices.
  • It is important that the package does not have too much marinade (if it comes to pickled product). Ideal is considered 30%. The unscrupulous suppliers may well put very little slices, but to pour marinades from the heart.
  • Bank must take in the hands and look at the lumen: the liquid located in it should be transparent, not to have signs of suspension or sediment (this will be evidence of its low quality).
  • It will not hurt to consider the appearance of ginger: all pieces should be beautiful shape, smooth, without dark spots. The natural color of the root can be light or rich in yellow, but with the help of food dyes, the manufacturer may well give him some other shades.

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How to keep different types of ginger

Bringing home freshly acquired root, cut it to evaluate the quality. Signs of fresh product:

Fresh ginger

To preserve high-quality ginger in a constant form, do the following:

  1. Fresh root is permissible to keep in the refrigerator, where he perfectly breaks at least 2 weeks. Provided that it was purchased for a proper degree of freshness and quality. It will be useful to remove it into a package or tissue bag (for example, flax).
  2. The cut root is pre-wrapped slightly moistened with tissue and only then remove into the refrigerator. This method will help for a minimum of 7 days to save all vitamins and useful qualities of the spice.
  3. Do not remove the ginger peel when stored, because it is under it all vitamins.
  4. Store ginger in the refrigerator is convenient, however, for a long savings, use the freezer. For this, the product is pre-cut on a small size of the slices. It is important to take into account the fact that during freezing the part of the beneficial substances can be lost.
  5. You can save the fresh root in this way:
  • Clear fresh copy or twist a bit dried;
  • Pour the root of steep boiling water or culinary sherry;
  • remove into a jar that is hermetically closed;
  • Store in the refrigerator for 2 months.

5 ways to preserve ginger at home

As for dried ginger, the term of its storage is much longer than fresh, it can be kept at home within half a year. Such a product is harvested independently, just dried root in the sun. After that, put it in a package of paper or wrap the food film, the main thing is to choose a place where there will be no excess moisture that can spoil the product in a short time. Before using dry ginger to cook dishes, soak some of its amount in the water.

Marinated Ginger

An open jar of such a product is stored only in the refrigerator, and it is desirable to use its contents within 1 month.


The ginger powder can be stored for about a year (look in more detail on packaging of a particular product). It is important to create suitable conditions for it:

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Where to store ginger: in the refrigerator or in the freezer

Store ginger at home is absolutely difficult, the main thing is that in the kitchen there was a refrigerator with a freezer. For both types of storage, it is important to comply with a number of conditions.
  1. In a refrigerator:
  • The product packaging is required in the food film or a special package with a fastener to eliminate access to the air;
  • Before storage, remove all traces of damage from the root;
  • It is important not to put a wet product into the refrigerator, dry it with a paper napkin;
  • It is not necessary to remove the skin, it is she who will keep the ginger from drying out;
  • The best place in the chamber will be a compartment for vegetables;
  • With compliance with these conditions, you can save the product for 2-3 weeks or even longer.
  1. In the freezer:
  • If you want to store the root for more than 3 months, it is better to use the freezer;
  • This storage option is suitable if the root has already layered for a long time in the refrigerator (then there will not be a pity of the beneficial substances that will disappear when the temperature is reduced);
  • It is best to grate the root on the grater, the main thing is to clean it;
  • grated product package by containers, which are pre-stailed by food parchment;
  • It is not necessary to clean it, in addition, you can cut the product on the washers;
  • marinate before frosting ginger should not be done after it is defrosting;
  • Rightly frozen root can be stored for about 6 months.

Methods for storing ginger

The fragrant root is stored not only in the fresh and frozen form, people came up with many different options for saving its useful properties and tastes.

In alcohol tincture

Very interesting exotic sauce, which is preparing in this way:

5 ways to preserve ginger at home

Plates from ginger

To extend the timing of storage of this valuable product, to dry it as follows:

  • Ginger root thoroughly worn and dry from water;
  • It is not necessary to clean it with a washcloth, it is enough just to scrape the skin;
  • Now apply the product on the plates of a small thickness (a larger size can cause the appearance of mold, because of which the ginger can aby);
  • The proper cooking of ginger involves its drying in the oven, on the contrary, pre-shined parchment;
  • Dry the record at least an hour at a temperature of 50 degrees, after which turn them over the other side and leave again in the oven;
  • After slices begin to bend, complete the drying;
  • Store ginger plates in glass, at room temperature, not more than 2 years;
  • This type of storage is better than others saves all the beneficial properties of the spice.

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5 ways to preserve ginger at home

How to save ginger with honey and lemon

To preserve the gluing and therapeutic properties of ginger, this method is great:

In the soil

Very unusual way for saving the beneficial properties of the product in the soil. Keep the root of ginger so:

  • prepare a flower pot;
  • Earth in it should be dry;
  • Place the root in the ground;
  • Remove the pot into a dark cool place, ideally in the basement.

Production of Tsukatov

This storage method allows you to make a spice attractive for children:

How to grasp ginger

Clean the fresh ginger is not too difficult, but it is not so easy to graze it. The fibers of this product are sometimes clogged, because of which the process is very tightened. In this case, use this advice:

  • Pre-make the harvesting of the root and freeze it in the freezer;
  • After that, the grinding will go much easier and you prepare the problem of ginger without much effort;
  • In this case, the yield is obtained by a powder sufficiently crumbly consistency, and the fibers do not pull and do not clog the grater.

5 ways to preserve ginger at home

Do it takes to clean the ginger from the peel before brewing

The brewing of the root in tea does not assume the need be sure to clean the ginger. If you do this procedure, you should not count on the appearance of a thin fragrance and an unforgettable taste. In addition, the product completely purified by the peel can quickly spoil.

The main thing is to pre-carefully wash the product from external contaminants.

Is it necessary to clean the ginger from the peel before grinding

The need to purify ginger from the skin depends on several factors:

How to understand that ginger spoiled

It is possible to determine that the ginger spoiled, it is possible according to the following signs:

  • Fresh root: becomes soft, cracks arise, dents, stains or mold;
  • Dry powder: it's lungs, ceases to be crumbly and volatile;
  • Marinated: brine becomes a muddy shade, a precipitate arises at the bottom;
  • Cuts or plates: become sticky or wet.

It should not use such foods in food, just that they will not benefit health, they can bring additional harm. From such products should immediately get rid of. And purchased again, keep at home in accurately according to the advice and conditions for their storage.

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