Drawing table:? Basic rules on etiquette [+60 photo]


Compliance with the table setting in the table primarily talks about the good attitude of the host of the house to guests. However, recently, it is possible to meet the right-bit table, only on various kinds of official events, banquets or buffets. You need to delight your loved ones and on ordinary days, creating a festive atmosphere with the help of colorful design. In this article we will talk about the basic rules for serving the table, about various directions and interesting ways to decorate.

Table etiquette or how to set the table

If you were invited to a dinner for the first time, then the number of cutlery and their sequence can put in a dead end. A competently organized festive dinner is the correct setting of devices on the table, compliance with table etiquette and the corresponding design. To learn how to use cutlery correctly, you need to understand several moments.

Rule number 1: Forks, spoons, knives are laid in order of feeding dishes (snacks, soup, meat or fish, fruit, dessert). Each item on the table performs its role.

Location of cutlery

The general rules for serving the table suggest the following placeholding schemes:

  • The guest is set in a diner;
  • On the left cake or paper napkin with additional devices;
  • On the right there are knives and spoons, but on the left fork;
  • Fashers and wine glasses are put in front of the main plate, as well as dessert devices;
  • A napkin is lying on the diner.

Proper table setting

Rule number 2: Use setting items to be appointed. The devices located on the right side are taken and kept while eating in the right hand, and those that are left-handed.

How to use cutlery

Special attention deserves the question of how to use a knife. It is necessary that the end of the handle rests on the palm of his right hand, a large and middle fingers wrapped the base of the knife with a side, and the index lay on the surface of the handle. So it will be more convenient for you to cut off the desired piece of meat or fish, and you don't have to blush in front of unfamiliar people.

How to use a knife at the table

Rule No. 3: Design of the table involves the use of all sorts of decorative elements: a white tailored tablecloth, lace napkins, multi-colored tracks and fragrant colors.

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

To better understand the principle of table etiquette, we recommend reading the video material presented below. You will learn a lot of useful and forever forget about the problem of improper use of cutlery.

On video: Serving and feeding rules.

Scheme and sequence

There is no only true option for serving the table, because each country has taken different traditions relating to this issue. Much also depends on the menu, the number of dishes and their direction. Do not forget that, depending on the time of day, the design of the kitchen or dining room can change greatly.

Take the table accepted according to the following order: tablecloth, dishes and cutlery, wine glasses, glasses, glasses, napkins, decor.

Table Serving Sequence

Let's start with the tablecloth - it must be perfectly ironed and comply with the nature of the event. So, for the dinner, the model of neutral shades will be suitable, and for Sunday tomorrow there is nothing better than a bright tablecloth and napkins with unusual drawings. The average length of this product is 25 cm. This indicator is far from random - it is unnecessarily the big descent of the tablecloth will look inactively, and the little looks awake.

The smoothed fabric should cover the entire surface, and the angles to descend opposite the legs of the table, evenly closing them.

Table Serving Sequence
Choose a tableclot appropriate

The following should be the arrangement of dishes and appliances. In a number of European countries, and in Russia, too, it is accepted first to set porcelain and glass plates, saucers, glasses and glasses. Performing a table serving, it is important to consider that all items will change, depending on the supply of dishes. That is why placing dishes and cutlery is better at a distance of 1 cm from each other, starting with the edge of the table.

Plate location on the table

Selection and placement of tablecloths and tracks

Each hostess in the closet is stored an elegant white tablecloth. However, you should not be limited to only one model, now there are a wide selection of products of a variety of sizes, colors and style designs. For rectangular tables, the tablecloths are 50 cm longer than the table top, and for round or oval - 100 cm wider than the diameter of the table.

How to choose a tablecloth in the size of the table

Designers insist on the color of the tablecloth combined with a shade of curtains and a common style design of the premises. The main thing is to smooth out the fabric, and the choice of color depends only on the preferences of the tenants of the house. You can lay a traditional beige or white or choose a more non-standard option.

Article on the topic: We serve a table with taste: selection of dishes, appliances and accessories [stylish sets]

What to choose a tablecloth on the table

Another new way to decorate the table is the use of monochrome tracks and tatstifes. Examples of such decoration you can see in the photo below.

Tablecloth on the table

Plate location

On napkins or special tracks first in the deep, wooden or salad plates. Not far from them there are tea devices and dishes for desserts. The distance from the edge of the table to the dishes should be about 1.5-2 cm. It is also recommended to put a paper napkin under the snack plate so that it does not slide on the tablecloth.

Plate location on the table

Location of cutlery

Further in order is the layout of cutlery. According to the rules of etiquette, they are laid down by the number of dishes, put the opposite side to the table. On the right there are spoons and knives, on the left - forks. In most cases, each person accounts for one set of instruments.

Cutlery layout sequence

If you want to hit your guests, you can additionally serve the table with bright glasses, glasses, special forks, tea and dessert spoons.

Appointment of cutlery

Serving glasses, glasses, glasses

Behind the plates go glasses - they are placed from more to the smaller. The choice of objects depends on the preferences of guests relative to certain beverages. It can be glasses for water, wine glasses for white or red wine, glasses for juice, as well as wine glasses for strong drinks.

what glasses for what drinks

The glasses are located on the right, glasses on the left, forming a flat line. It is allowed to place dishes and devices in two rows with a large number of participants of the event.

Before serving glasses on the table Take care of the cleanliness of the dishes. All items must be carefully flushed, rub the towel and make sure that there are no chipping and other defects.

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

Choosing and serving napkins

Classical table setting involves the use of monophonic napkins of neutral shades. As in the case of the arrangement of cutlery, there are no clear rules for the location of the napkin. They can be beautifully folded next to the diner plate (intended for bread, tartlets and salads) or put into a glass for water, decorate with decorative rings and ribbons.

Table setting on table

If you are covering the table to dinner, just spread the napkins on the side of each plate, as shown below.

table setting to dinner

On video: how to store the table.

Desktop (finishing design)

An excellent option to decor is a tablecloth of synthetic material. This solution is also suitable for homemade gatherings, and for a festive dinner, the main thing is to choose a suitable color. It is easy to care for a similar tablecloth - it does not occur, does not grieve and the initial appearance is preserved for a long time. Fissure napkins, sinetas, lace paths are used as a supplement.

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

To make the interior with elegant, cozy and unforgettable, put a bouquet of fresh flowers on the table, fruit vase, antique sugar and crystal glasses.

Article on the topic: How to cover the table to tea: Proper setting and festive design | +64 photo

Decor and table design

Cutlery in modern style is distinguished by a variety of forms, shades and its unique functional features.

Beautiful cutlery on the table

Types of serving

The decoration of the table may vary, depending on the time of day and the nature of the festive dinner. In this case, there are banquet, buffet, tea and coffee serving. However, certain differences exist. Breakfast assumes the minimum number of dishes for serving the table, and during dinner on the table there is always a large number of dishes and appliances.

For breakfast (+ Sunday breakfast)

This is the easiest type of table setting. First of all, snack bars are placed, then cups, glasses and small saucers. On top of the latter there is a teaspoon. If the members of your family use the supports for eggs or places for oil, do not forget about the teaspoon. A deep-eyed pailed (for porridge or flakes) is put on the snack bar.

Table setting to breakfast

Sunday breakfast can not be imagined without tea party, which is why the coffee maker or kettle has become in the center.

Table setting to breakfast

You can decorate the table with the help of colors, unusual napkins and various decorative elements. Family Sunday breakfasts are becoming a good tradition in many homes, they bring close to each other. The key point in the table serving to breakfast is to create a good mood and convenience in the process of eating.

Table setting for Sunday breakfast


There are several types of table setting to dinner. It all depends on the number of dishes and their character. Ship the table with a white tablecloth, put one flat and one deep plate (for soup or lettuce). If there are dishes in the menu that can not eat from the overall dishes, add a snack plate. Place the cutlery in accordance with the rules of etiquette. To decorate the table, beautifully folded napkins are perfectly suitable.

A distinctive feature of the table serving to dinner is the installation of solonks and other items for spices and seasonings.

Table setting to dinner

Full evening

You can cover the table not only for family members, relatives or friends, but also for unfamiliar guests. The pre-serving in accordance with all the canons is the key to the success of any dinner dinner, because everyone should be comfortable and comfortable. The decor of the table creates a special atmosphere, which has to spiritual conversations, excellent memories and plans for the future.

Evening table setting

To the holiday, the following tabletitch rules must be followed:

  • Ideally pure tailored tablecloth. It is desirable that the product is made of dense fabric (this will avoid the zoom of the dishes in the fall and protect the surface from the spilled liquid).
  • For decoration of the festive table, the use of dishes and appliances in color schemes is not acceptable. Preference to a monochrome option from one set. All decor elements (vases, stands, rings for napkins) must glitter from cleanliness, the same applies to the dishes.
  • It is forbidden to serve clogged bottles with champagne or wine. All alcoholic beverages are served in open bottles, and after which they blo around. Next to the glasses, glasses placed on a single fabric napkin.

Full Evening Table Serving


Banquet setting is not much different from full evening, but there are some features of this type of design. So, shallow plates are set up at a distance of 1 cm from each other, starting from the center first on one side, then on the other. They must be clearly one opposite the other. These plates are set snack bars and pies saucers. The next stage is the location of the cutlery at a distance of 0.5 cm from the shallow disk.

Article on the topic: How to serve a table in different countries of the world: features of the table etiquette

banquet table

A distinctive feature of the banquet is to decorate the table with special registered cards, which indicates the personal information of the participant in the event. They are located to the left of the glasses.

Banquet table setting


Frysteal table setting is becoming increasingly popular, it is used in closed parties, official events and during informal communication of business partners. There are two options: one-sided and bilateral serving. Each has its own distinctive features. In the first case, the table is decorated only on one side and placed near the wall. The second is usually applied on corporate parties, at weddings and anniversaries.

The setting is made on both sides according to the special scheme. The main thing was to take a dish, without making special efforts (so the table occupies the entire central part of the room).

Frysteal table setting

With a buffet serving, it is especially important to adhere to the same intervals between the cutlery and other objects. To cover the table starts with the placement of glass and crystal dishes, after which there are vases with flowers and bottles with alcoholic beverages in the center of the table.

Bottled labels must be rotated in one direction. In certain situations (when there are a lot of guests) for drinks and snacks, a separate table is distinguished.

buffet table


The nature and main positions of the coffee etiquette are directly dependent on the selected beverages. It can be coffee in Turkish, classic coffee, Italian expresso. Strong drinks cooked on the stove are served in porcelain cups from a single service. Assist in creating an ideal coffee drink can a geyser coffee maker - this is an old secret of the peoples of the East.

Coffee table setting

Pouring coffee, make sure that the cups are filled with only two-thirds (then guests can add some milk or cream).

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

Coffee table setting includes three elements - saucer, cup and teaspoon. Additional items include a dessert plate, you can put cakes and devices for fruits or sweets. The placement of dishes is worth starting with desserts. When all guests gather, you can cook drinks.

Coffee table setting


If each guest has a certain place at the table, the base of serving is based on the principle when a cup with a saucer with a necessary list of devices and a small plate for desserts is placed before each participant of tea drinking. The center is the main dish. It can be a vase with cakes, cake, apple pie, fruit vase.

Tool table setting

Special attention is paid to the decor, all the elements must be uniformly in the perimeter of the table. A boiling kettle and a kettle with boiling water to leave with the edge. In the case of a samovar, it is placed clearly to the center.

Tool table setting

Inviting friends to tea, make sure that you have enough tea sets (better if there are 1-2 more than the prospective guests).

Tool table setting

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the table setting is primarily an individual design of the surrounding space. One should not be limited to one scheme of arrangement of objects, show your fantasy and decorate the table with an incredible decor and fresh colors. An informal creative approach and compliance with the classic rules of the table etiquette is the key to a successful festive dinner, Sunday morning and friendly sitting with friends for a cup of fragrant coffee.

10 secrets of etiquette from aristocrats (1 video)

Table setting and design (60 photos)

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

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