How to store cheese in the refrigerator long


How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

From the products of dairy production it is difficult to refuse. Surely, each person belongs to the addiction to some kind of cheese type, to a more piquant or brass. That is why, on the coming to the store it is so difficult to decide, because I want to try something new, and from the variety of manufacturers you can get confused, especially if you do not know, in what conditions cheese stored.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator so that it does not mold?

Everyone knows that this product is produced from milk, but not necessarily from cow. Sheep, goat. That is why according to the manufacturer's method, such varieties of cheese production are distinguished:

1. Solid. They are distinguished by their dense structure, and must be under the press until six months. Usually they do not find large holes in them, except for small and practically imperceptible. These include "Edam" and "Parmesan".

2. semi-solid. They are soft on consistency, although dense structures. They have air holes of various sizes. The most famous semi-solid-"MAASDAM".

3. Soft. With their production, additional processing is not required, so you can meet those that are not covered with a shell. According to taste characteristics, very different. There are also gentle creamy, and mushrooms. "Mascarpone" is one of those who need special storage conditions.

4. Brine, which necessarily need a solution from a cook salt. These include a lot of famous Suluguni.

5. Melted. There are not only cottage cheese and butter, but also cream, condensed milk and other ingredients. In the completion of their processing, smear salts are added.

6. Cheeses with mold. They are made by a special method, so that the formed food mold is edible and harmless. It can be green, and blue, and even red.

Since all varieties of cheese have their own characteristic expiration date, then the question should be studied how to store them so that they do not mold. Initially, you should think about where in the room the most cool place with high humidity. Of course, only the refrigerator comes to mind. Only so that the cheese does not hurt and not deteriorate, it needs to be wrapped in a parchment or food film.

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The perfect temperature for solid and soft cheese is 10 degrees, so it should not put it immediately under the freezer. It is better to find a place on the refrigerator door, away from frosty cold.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

How to keep solid cheese in the cold?

Solid grades longer than everyone else retain the impeccable appearance and flavoring characteristics during storage in the cold. Nevertheless, it is better not to store them for a long time. Maximum will last in a cold place for 10 days, besides, it is also necessary to regularly check his crust for the presence of plates of mold.

Important! Ideal conditions for all sorts of cheeses - ventilated room with air temperature 3-10 degrees with humidity 90%.

So that they are not covered with an unpleasant mold, you can put on them to the polyethylene packaging of the Sugar cube.

Solid species are not recommended to be packaged in regular paper, since the product can be covered with a dry crust, it is better to use parchment for these purposes. It should not shift it from one shelf to another, since the temperature differences are not beneficial to the dairy product.

Before serving it to the table, it is worth getting it out of packaging an hour before the meal, so that all the unpleasant smells that he absorbed from the chamber of the refrigeration unit have evaporated by that time. The chopped cheese should not be put in the refrigerator, it is better to try to eat it, than throwing out a couple of days, covered with dry crust.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

How to keep cheeses with mold in the refrigerator?

Those cheeses that under production conditions are deliberately made with mold, it is better to keep at home in a purchased package and try it to more or less hermetically adjacent to it. The fact is that the food mold can spread to other products, after which it will be spoiled not only appetite, but also the smell in the refrigerator.

Modern refrigeration units are equipped with a special blowing system by air. Therefore, hostesses that do not know how to keep cheese in them, you can advise you to purchase a glass or plastic container, put this product of dairy production and put in cold. Such measures contribute to its preservation of fresh, and not weathered before use.

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Of course, you can do without the food film, breaking air access. This product with mold is considered useful, so it is important to maintain it unchanged and not to postpone the use of for a long time.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

Rules for maintaining freshness of brine varieties

The brine varieties are so called that they need to be kept in a weak brine so that they do not deteriorate as long as possible. It can be put in a glass jar or enamelled saucepan and pour into fastening cooked brine. If it turns out too salty, then before applying it to the table, you should soak in milk or cool, but boiled water. Many are mistaken when they pour cold brine cheeses with hot water before use, because they will begin then reach. In addition, the useful trace elements from boiling water will be destroyed.

Cottage cheese also refers to brine species. Just keep it needed in glass or plastic dishes, but not in the polyethylene package. In addition, to extend the shelf life of cottage cheese, it can be sent to the freezer for a while. From freezing nutrients will not disappear.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

Storage of soft varieties in the cold

Soft varieties can be kept in the refrigeration chamber even at minus temperatures, however, no longer three days. They are also needed to be package before you attribute to the refrigerator. Without packaging, they can warm up quickly, and the upper crust will suck. It is best for soft grades to find a small enameled saucepan. Ideal if the factory hermetic packaging remains.

Important! The cheeses of different species should be kept separately because everyone has its own characteristic smell, the taste and components of the ingredients.

When buying, you need to look at the label that should be glued to the package. It must necessarily be indicated by the manufacturer of its storage and optimal temperature.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

Home or Melted Cheeses - Storage Conditions in the Refrigerator

Home cheese, as well as any other, you need to leave on the bottom shelf in the refrigeration unit or in its separate fruit chamber. Before attributed to the melted dairy product in a safe place, it must be placed in a glass ass, but, in no case, the plastic bag is not suitable here.

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Cheese, cooked personally, it is better to eat for 3 days, since its shelf life is significantly less than the products produced in the enterprise.

It is worth noting that a solid cheese head will be stored longer than separate sliced ​​pieces. Now there is a vacuum dishes in which you can keep the melted cheese.

How much can you store it in the refrigerator?


According to the rules, any kind of this product can be left in the refrigerator if the temperature is below 3 degrees. True, it does not apply to homemade cottage cheese, which can even be placed in the freezer, and a soft grade that is designed for fast use.

When the temperature drops and the level of relative humidity, there is a risk that the fresh product will deteriorate. Therefore, you need to control these processes, as well as to watch it, so that it does not stay without packing on the shelf of the refrigeration unit. And if there is no enameled dishes at hand? It is worth looking for a conventional glass jar with a lid and create a vacuum.

If solid cheeses can calmly lie in the cold10 days with proper conditions, then soft, brine and those that with mold, it is better to eat for 3 days, not leaving for later.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

Useful tips, how to store cheese in the refrigerator long

So long stayed in the refrigeration unit, it is necessary:

  • provide him with appropriate hermetic packaging, and better, vacuum vessel;
  • Cheese can be placed in a glass jar with pillioned milk or salt salt;
  • Place the raffinad cube enamelled cube to cheeses, which will absorb an extra moisture, just need to look so that sugar does not melt;
  • Do not cut it on a lot of pieces, and leave in this form in which it was sold in the store, that is, a whole piece;
  • Use instead of paper for packaging foil or buy a special cheese, if you buy cheese in large quantities;
  • Put cottage cheese in plastic or glass container, close well with a lid, then put in the freezer.

In fact, not so many wisdoms need to know so that this product remains fresh. The most correct decision is to not allow him to lay in the cold longer than the date of the final use on the package is indicated not to get poisoning.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator long

Video about how to store cheese so that it does not mold:

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